How to push the enterprise configuration file

There are two options, centralized and distributed, when pushing the enterprise configuration (econfig) file.


1. Save the econfig file in the desired (network) location.

2. Create an atakama.config file that sets the enterprise_config_path value to the exact UNC path to the saved econfig file.



Note: The extra slashes ("\" ) are required to read the file path. 

3. Ensure the econfig file has the correct ACL so that all the intended end users have read access and any Atakama administrators listed in the econfig file have write access.

4. Push the atakama.config file to the end user workstations. This file should be pushed to C:\Users\{Username}\atakama.config on Windows and ~/.atakama.config on MacOS/Linux.

Note: Atakama can be configured to use a different location for the atakama.config file. To do so, you need to modify the Atakama desktop shortcut to run with the "--config path\to\config" in the Target location (see screenshot). However, if Atakama is not launched via this shortcut, it will not use this location for the atakama.config file and the enterprise config path will be ignored. 

5. Optional: Schedule a restart of the Atakama client on the end user workstations to ensure the econfig file is processed.



  1. Ensure the econfig file has the exact name "enterprise-client.config".
  2. Push the new econfig file to all end user workstations. This file should be pushed to C:\Program Files\Atakama\enterprise-client.config on Windows and /Applications/Atakama/Contents/MacOS/enterprise-client.config on MacOS.
  3. Optional: Schedule a restart of the Atakama client on the end user workstations to ensure the econfig file is processed.

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